1 Vinegar Joe  May 30, 2008 3:12:27pm

Lots of German-Americans were rounded up also. It was a war. Live with it.

2 Tigger  May 30, 2008 3:30:18pm

THere was ample evidence. Read Michelle Malkin. That was a war that waged to be _won_, not ended.
That’s what we need now. Will to win.

3 Johnny 100 Pesos  May 30, 2008 7:36:01pm

I recently read that the only two things that American students learn about WWII these days is the Japanese Internments and Hiroshima/Nakasaki.

4 pat  May 30, 2008 9:56:24pm

My Grandfather was a very powerful voice in preventing what happened in California, happening in Hawaii. I always found it curious that the Japanese were told that if they moved to Arizona , they would not be interned. This leads me to believe that Warren was in thrall to economic interests and used race to steal property. read Tom Brokaws book for some good stories.
BTW, my family lost their home to an officer’s club. We did not receive a dime, and my parents home was never returned by the Feds. Seems they enjoyed the close to beach atmosphere. And my father was in Europe fighting while my mother was told she no longer had a home.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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